
Call: 2015

Tel: 020 7420 9500


Daniel has a broad commercial chancery practice, incorporating commercial, civil fraud, insolvency, property, company and financial services disputes. Daniel regularly appears in the High Court and County Court in his own right, as well as working with senior members of Chambers on larger cases.

His past work includes several high-profile cases:

  • Re BHS Group Ltd: acting, led by Stuart Hornett, for a former director of BHS in proceedings for wrongful trading valued at over £160 million – one of The Lawyer’s Top 20 Cases for 2023
  • Acting for the commercial landlords on various matters flowing from the London Trocadero v Picturehouse Cinemas litigation, including appearing as sole counsel on an injunction to restrain re-entry of a cinema in the Trocadero Centre
  • Working as part of the Financial Conduct Authority’s internal team for the Supreme Court test case on business interruption insurance triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic (Financial Conduct Authority v Arch Insurance (UK) Ltd [2021] UKSC 1)

In 2022, Daniel was hosted by MoloLamken LLP in New York as a Pegasus Scholar. This involved sitting with several commercial judges in the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York, providing a valuable insight into the judicial approach to hard-fought commercial cases, and the effectiveness of different litigation strategies.


Daniel is instructed on a wide range of domestic and international commercial disputes, representing both individuals and corporate entities. These often have a financial/banking element, following secondments Daniel has undertaken at the Financial Conduct Authority (see Banking and Finance below). Daniel’s expertise also comprises: sale of goods; supply of goods and services; breach of contract; questions of interpretation, agency and assignment.

Past work:

  • Acting for the commercial landlords on various matters flowing from the London Trocadero v Picturehouse Cinemas litigation
  • As sole counsel, successfully obtained summary judgment on behalf of directors of a consultancy firm in relation to an investment scheme
  • As sole counsel, defending a claim for recovery of a deposit in an aborted commercial property sale
  • Worked as part of the FCA’s internal team from the pre-action stage through to the Supreme Court hearing of Financial Conduct Authority v Arch Insurance (UK) Ltd [2021] UKSC 1 – a test case on business interruption insurance triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic, and one of the most important cases of 2020
  • Instructed as part of a team in the early-stage merits assessment of a £30 million international infrastructure dispute
  • Instructed on an online gaming dispute, seeking some €3 million said to be held on trust
  • Assisted in an LCIA arbitration concerning the true construction of an indemnity clause
  • Assisted in advising on the application of the ‘battle of the forms’ doctrine to an international manufacturing contract
  • Drafted a Defence in a claim worth over $1 million alleging that an auction house negligently misattributed a painting in its catalogue (as a pupil)
  • Assisted in an arbitration concerning a purported sham loan (as a pupil)

Daniel has a particular interest in the legal and practical complexities raised by civil fraud. Daniel has experience successfully representing clients in cases where fraud or other forms of dishonesty are alleged, and welcomes instructions to advise on such cases.

Past work:

  • Instructed on a long-running family dispute, defending a counterclaim to unwind a residential property transfer on the basis of deceit and other grounds
  • SHB London Limited v Davina London Ltd and ors, 9 March and 18 August 2022, unrep., His Honour Judge Hellman: successfully establishing that purported written licence agreements were not genuine and that the Defence was “fundamentally dishonest”, following trial as sole counsel and cross-examination of several witnesses
  • Instructed by enforcement receivers as part of a counsel team to assist with evidence in a complex fraud matter worth some £60 million
  • Defending a High Court claim for fraudulent misrepresentation, unlawful means conspiracy and breach of a joint venture agreement

Daniel has a wide-ranging insolvency practice working for companies and individuals in distress, as well as IPs and creditors.

As to companies, his experience includes issues of misfeasance, wrongful trading, transactions at an undervalue, challenging insolvency processes/decisions, applications to extend administration, and all aspects of the winding-up jurisdiction including injunctions against presentation, applications for validation or rescission, and costs matters.

As to individuals, his experience includes setting aside statutory demands and all aspects of the bankruptcy jurisdiction including taking carriage of petitions, annulment and rescission of bankruptcy orders.

Past work:

  • Re BHS Group Ltd: defending (led by Stuart Hornett) one of the former directors of a BHS company in proceedings brought by liquidators for alleged wrongful trading
  • Re Exhibitions Holdings Limited; Harris v London Trocadero (2015) LLP and ors, 14 April 2023, unrep., Deputy District Judge Pickering: successfully resisted applications by administrators for costs orders against third parties in relation to ongoing administrations
  • Acting for a landlord in an application to lift the administration moratorium so that a lease could be forfeited
  • Instructed (led by Justin Kitson) on a successful in-court administration application where there were competing qualifying floating charge holders
  • Advising administrators and appearing on an application to end  administration and enter liquidation
  • Acted for the petitioner in a High Court set aside application brought by a well-known classic car collector who alleged that certain cars were sold at an undervalue
  • Represented the petitioner in a long-running annulment and rescission application raising various issues including service of a bankruptcy petition on a debtor in prison
  • Successfully obtained a High Court declaration of validity following a defect in an out-of-court appointment of administrators
  • Acted for the applicants at the interim hearing of Cash Generator Ltd v Fortune [2018] EWHC 674 (Ch), the first reported case on the deemed consent procedure for the appointment of liquidators in a CVL
  • Instructed by IPs in a High Court application for private examination

Daniel has considerable expertise in landlord and tenant disputes, both commercial and residential. This comprises claims for possession and issues with enforcement (acting for landlords, mortgagees, trustees in bankruptcy, and those in possession), forfeiture, service charge disputes, and disrepair. Daniel is astute to the commercial realities of disrepair and other breach of covenant claims, and has experience negotiating difficult settlements as well as successful court proceedings.

Past work:

  • Instructed by commercial landlords on various matters flowing from the London Trocadero v Picturehouse Cinemas litigation, including appearing as sole counsel on an injunction to restrain re-entry of a cinema in the Trocadero Centre
  • Acted for a landlord in the First-Tier Tribunal, successfully resisting an application to challenge service charges. Issues included the correct application of the Supreme Court decision in Williams v Aviva Investors Ground Rent GP Ltd [2023] UKSC 6 on apportionment, and reasonableness of insurance premiums
  • Instructed (led by Mark Warwick QC) on a dispute concerning the scope of covenants to repair and insure
  • Gadgets Repair Limited v Aviva Life & Pensions UK Limited, 28 October 2022, unrep., Deputy District Judge Jenkins: acted for Aviva in successfully resisting an injunction to prevent possession of commercial premises, the central issue being whether occupation was under a tenancy at will
  • Advising LPA Receivers wishing to sell freehold land on issues of tenants’ right of first refusal, severance and Crown interest under LTA 1987
  • Acting for landlords on several residential disrepair matters, with focus on quantum, experts and commercial resolution

Daniel deals with all kinds of real property claims, such as for trespass, nuisance, adverse possession, and disputes involving issues of co-ownership and trusts of land, easements, boundaries, conveyancing and registration.

Daniel’s banking and finance experience lends itself to advice on the validity, priority and effect of mortgages and charges – Daniel is frequently instructed by lenders in that regard.

Past work:

  • Acting (led by Ian Clarke KC and James Newman) for the freeholder of a department store in relation to a construction dispute valued at over £2 million. Daniel was particularly involved in issues of termination of agreements for lease, entitlement to an equitable lease, inspection as an interim remedy, and security for costs
  • Re BHS Group Ltd: defending (led by Stuart Hornett) one of the former directors of a BHS company, issues included valuation of BHS’ large retail property portfolio and whether certain properties were sold at an undervalue
  • Successfully resisted an injunction application to prevent the immediate auction of residential properties, involving issues of undue influence and misrepresentation
  • Instructed on a long-running family dispute, defending a counterclaim to unwind a residential property transfer on the basis of undue influence, deceit and lack of capacity
  • Appeared in the High Court on a claim for an order for sale under CPR r.73.10C, following charging orders for non-payment of judgment debts
  • Advising on restrictive covenants in the context of a scheme of development
  • Appeared at trial on a boundary dispute raising questions of adverse possession (both under the Land Registration Act 2002 and prior law), and damages including aggravated damages
  • Maunders v Price, 31 March 2021, unrep., His Honour Judge Johns KC: acting as sole counsel for the successful Defendant in a 3-day multi-track trial of a claim that a property was transferred to be held on trust for the Claimant absolutely, the claim essentially collapsing during Daniel’s cross-examination of the Claimant
  • Several s.14 ToLATA 1996 disputes concerning the beneficial interest in a family home (unmarried couples, siblings), including questions of valuation where there have been home improvements
  • Advising on the breach of a right of access in relation to a mobile home

Daniel is often instructed on company law disputes, and cases where the rights and obligations of directors, shareholders and partners or quasi-partners are in question.

Past work:

  • Re BHS Group Ltd: defending (led by Stuart Hornett) one of the former directors of a BHS company, a central and hotly-contested issue being the application of directors’ duties to a non-executive director
  • Defending a High Court claim for breach of a joint venture agreement and unlawful means conspiracy
  • Advising on a breach of warranty claim in relation to a share purchase agreement
  • Advising a residents’ freehold company on the validity of resolutions brought by minority shareholders
  • Advised and appeared on a petition to wind up an LLP following a breakdown between members
  • Obtained an order to rectify a transfer deed after the transferee company had been dissolved, the deed having erroneously included the wrong parcel of land
  • A successful claim in the High Court under s.125 of the Companies Act 2006 to rectify the register of members where the sole shareholder, director and officer of a company had died
  • Successfully applied to set aside an order purportedly made against an unincorporated company
  • Appearing in and advising on applications for extensions of time for registering charges

Daniel frequently advises and appears on behalf of banks, financial institutions and other entities in relation to enforcement of loan agreements, guarantees and indemnities, insurance contracts and questions arising from FSMA 2000 and the FCA Handbook, CCA 1974, and CRA 2015.

Daniel has undertaken several secondments at Financial Conduct Authority advising on investments, insurance and pensions issues, giving him valuable expertise for financial services work.

Past work:

  • Regularly instructed by lenders in multi-track mortgage possession claims where there are questions of regulation
  • Worked as part of the FCA’s internal team from the pre-action stage through to the Supreme Court hearing of Financial Conduct Authority v Arch Insurance (UK) Ltd [2021] UKSC 1 – a test case on business interruption insurance triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic, and one of the most important cases of 2020
  • Instructed as part of a team by a retail client on a multi-million pound Chancery Division claim against a bank for alleged mis-selling of a series of interest rate swaps
  • Sole counsel in a multi-track matter where a borrower disputed that LPA Receivers’ fees could be added to the mortgage, and the quantum of those fees
  • Advised on the effect of Manx regulations prohibiting card payment surcharges
  • BA (Hons), Classics and Modern Languages (First Class – third in year), Worcester College, Oxford
  • GDL, BPP Law School
  • BPTC, BPP Law School


  • Shelford Scholarship, Lincoln’s Inn (2015)
  • Lord Denning Scholarship, Lincoln’s Inn (2014)
  • Runner-up, Times Law Awards (2014)
  • Hardwicke Award, Lincoln’s Inn (2013)
  • Lord Bowen Scholarship, Lincoln’s Inn (2013)
  • College prizes, Worcester College, University of Oxford (2009-2013)


  • French – fluent
  • Chancery Bar Association
  • Property Bar Association

Please see Daniel’s Privacy Notice here.

ICO Registration: ZA264182

Registered Name: Daniel Christian Webb

VAT Number: 266037893