Property and Title Fraud

Following a number of cases concerning title fraud including Gary Blaker QC’s case, P&P Property Limited, and Nicholas Trompeter‘s case, Caffrey & Co, the Law Society and HM Land Registry have issued a joint note.

The note provides a practical guide to solicitors on potential fraud in land transactions.  A link to the guidance can be found here.

Selborne has extensive expertise in loss recovery in property-related fraud including rectification at the Land Registry and obtaining indemnities. Ian Clarke QC, a judge of the FTT in Land Registration and editor of both Wolstenholme & Cherry’s Annotated Land Registration Act 2002 and Cousins on Mortgages, acts in many such cases. Hugh Jackson, also a Judge of the FTT in Land Registration, is frequently retained by both financial institutions and private clients in fraud and professional negligence, and has recently worked in cyber fraud matters. Richard Clegg acted in the leading authority as to the “statutory magic” Fitzwilliam v Richall Holdings Services. Nicholas Trompeter has acted for the Chief Land Registrar in a number of cases, including NRAM v Evans (which provides guidance as to the meaning of ‘mistake’ in Schedule 4 to the Land Registration Act 2002).

Members working in this field include also Neil Mendoza, Stuart Hornett, Henry Webb, Paul de la Piquerie, Camilla Chorfi, Simon McLoughlin, Justina Stewart, Sarah Walker and Chris de Beneducci.

Nicholas and Chris delivered a seminar in chambers on rectification and indemnities at the Land Registry.