PLA Midlands Seminar: Landlord and Tenant Nuisances with Selborne Chambers

17 September 2024, 5.45pm - 8.00pm
PLA Midlands Seminar: Landlord and Tenant Nuisances with Selborne Chambers

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Gowling WLG (UK) LLP, Two Snowhill, Birmingham B4 6WR


17 September 2024, 5.45pm - 8.00pm


Join the PLA Midlands for a seminar with Gary Blaker KCStuart Hornett & Paul de la Piquerie – “Landlord and Tenant Nuisances”.

This seminar focuses on the situation where landlords are re-developing part of their premises and the relationship between the covenant for quiet enjoyment and the right to carry out repairs/ redevelopment. In particular, we draw from their experience in the Tejani “bubblewrap” case. 

Registration is from 5.45pm for a 6pm start. The seminar will finish at 7pm and be followed by networking drinks until 8pm.


Free to all PLA Members. To book, select the tickets you require and click ‘book’. This will add the tickets to your basket at the top of the screen. Click on the basket to add delegate details and to ‘checkout’.

Sign up for a place at the talk here:


6:00PM – 7:00PM:  Gary Blaker KC, Stuart Hornett & Paul de la Piquerie will be speaking on the topic “Landlord and Tenant Nuisances”.



Gary Blaker KC
Call: 1993 | KC: 2015

Gary Blaker KC took silk in 2015 and practises in all aspects of property law, professional negligence, property damage and commercial chancery litigation.

In 2015 Gary was elected a Bencher of Middle Temple. In 2020 he was appointed a Recorder of the Crown Court. In 2021 Gary was appointed the chair of the Chancery Bar Association’s Wellbeing and Social Responsibility Committee.

Recent directory comments about Gary include the following: “An outstanding silk to work with and he is bright, commercial and a team player.”; “Gary is an incredibly skilled advocate”; “Gary’s technical knowledge is superb and his advocacy is very strong” ; “Gary is a master-strategist and his advocacy and cross-examination in particular are exceptionally well planned to draw the judge to compelling conclusions.” “A silk with an outstanding legal mind.”

In 2018 he was successful twice in the Court of Appeal in P&P Property Ltd v. Owen White & Catlin LLP & anr [2018] 3 WLR 1244 (the landmark “Dreamvar” appeals about property identity fraud) and in Gibbs v Lakeside Developments Ltd [2019] 4 WLR 6 (a case about the forfeiture of long residential leases) and in a Chancery appeal concerning houseboats in the Thames at Brentford, L. B. Hounslow v. Devere [2018] EWHC 1447 (Ch). In 2019 he appeared successfully in the trial and appeal in Jafari v Tareem Ltd [2019] EWHC 3199 (Ch) a case about noise breach of the covenant of quiet enjoyment. This case was listed by Property Week as one of their top cases of the year.

More recently Gary was successful in the Tejani “bubble wrap” noise nuisance case, Tejani v Fitzroy Place Residential Limited [2022] EWHC 2760 (TCC) which was reported widely in the national press. Gary also appeared in Ortiz Patino v MGI Golf and Leisure Opportunities Fund Limited [2023] EWHC 1203 (Ch) and [2024] EWCA Civ 862 a case about the sale of the world famous Valderrama golf course.

Stuart Hornett
Call: 1992

Stuart’s practice comprises commercial disputes, property and professional negligence. He is recognised in the Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners as Leading Junior in Property Litigation and Commercial work. He has reported cases in all fields and regularly acts and advises in large and complex commercial and property matters, including commercial landlord and tenant disputes and cases concerning easements, restrictive covenants, land registration issues, options, overage claims, and adverse possession. Stuart regularly acts for lenders and developers and is completely familiar with development agreements and all their complexities, in particular reasonable and best endeavours obligations. He is expert in mortgage and land charge issues and is a contributing editor of the practitioner work, Cousins, the Law of Mortgage. Recent cases include a disputed joint venture agreement concerning two large holiday parks in Scotland; a large dilapidations claim on a listed former brewery and for a local authority on claim for illegal fly tipping and land contamination said to be caused by a traveller site. He has recently given a range of talks and webinars concerning the recent important decision of BHS Group Ltd, in which Stuart acted for the Fourth Respondent.

Paul De La Piquerie
Call: 2006

Paul has acted in a wide range of property disputes, relating to co-ownership, trespass, adverse possession, and arguments over easements and injunctive relief. He is currently instructed in several noise nuisance claims, some of which have been widely reported in the national and international press and has recently given a number of well-received seminars and talks on the subject. Paul is also currently instructed in several boundary disputes, one of which will go to a six-day trial in the Autumn of 2024, all of which involve related allegations of trespass, harassment and alternative adverse possession claims under both the ‘old law’ prior to the coming into force of the Land Registration Act 2002 and the new regime contained in the 2002 Act.  Paul is recommended in The Legal 500 for Property Litigation and C&Ps for Real Estate Litigation.