We are very pleased that two cases in which Nicholas Trompeter QC acted have made their way into EG Podcast’s Top 10 Cases of 2021. In their Podcast, Sarah Jackman and Jess Harrold count down their top property law cases that have defined 2021.
Taking the number 7 slot (instructed by Chris Perrin of Addleshaw Goddard) is the Supreme Court Appeal in Rossendale BC v Hurstwood Properties (A) Ltd [2021] 2 WLR 1215, which raises the problem of empty property rates and the increasingly ingenious schemes through which owners seek to avoid them.
Taking the bronze position, coming in at number 3 (instructed by Julian Johnstone of Druces) is London Trocadero (2015) LLP v Picturehouse Cinemas Ltd [2021] EWHC 2591 (Ch). The case involved Picturehouse cinemas’ iconic flagship venue which they had not paid rent on since 2020, building up £2.9m in rent arrears.
The full Podcast can be found here.